CBS also tackles the real issue of belief in God in the series “God Friended Me” starring Brandon Michael Hall (“The Mayor”), which premieres Sunday September 30, 2018 at 8:30 p.m. ET. Brandon is Miles Finer an outspoken atheist who is used by God to change the lives of others.

“It’s a spiritual journey,” said Brandon, whose father is a pastor, about the theme of the series. “I’ve never seen a black atheist, that story has never been told. It helped me in my own relationship with God.”

Joe Morton (“Scandal”) is Miles’ father, Javicia Leslie plays his mother and Violett Beane plays an online journalist whose life is change by God through her association with Miles, and his “relationship” with God.

When asked in what ways have God been real in his life Brandon said, “I was talking to my father (about his acting career) and I said, ‘Dad…I don’t think its going to happen.’ The next day I got ‘the call’.”

That call was as if God replied for his father by saying, “Yes it will son.” The pilot “God Friended Me” stars Hall and was created and executive produced by Steven Lilien and Bryan Wynbrandt. All the years of hard work paid off when it was accepted by CBS (Warner Brothers Television). It now airs each Sunday at 8:30 p.m. ET.

“Miles is like me. He grew up in the church,” Brandon said.

But Miles looses his faith not understand why, if God is real, would he allow bad people to thrive and horrible events to happen in the world.

“So Miles is friended by God,” explains Hall (“Search Party”) about the chain of events on the series. “He’s on a search for humanity.” www.CBS.com/shows/god-friended-me

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