A Royal Sermon

A lot of folks are talking about the one and only Rev. Michael Curry today because yesterday he brought chuuuch to the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

He delivered an inspiring sermon on the subject of the power of love by beginning with a quotation from Martin Luther King Jr.

Here’s what Harper’s reported:

Pastor Curry delivered a powerful speech that was reminiscent of his sermons at the Episcopal Church in New York, where he became the first black bishop in 2015.

Curry’s selection as the wedding’s pastor was an important move, as Meghan Markle is the first notable African American member of the British royal family.

The Episcopal Church of New York is renowned for being one of the most progressive churches in the USA, allowing the marriage of same-sex couples.

Curry’s expressive speech was followed by an incredibly moving performance of an all-black Church choir.

Pastor Curry’s speech discussed how “love has the power to heal the world”, and included a quote from Martin Luther King telling the guests they must believe in the “redemptive power of love”.

Curry is known for his support of same-sex marriage and gay rights—quoted as saying “God didn’t make anyone to be a second-class citizen.”

Watch Bishop Curry’s powerful sermon:

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